Economic Equality Bridge
“There’s a war going on. The battle field is in the mind and the prize is the soul.” — Prince
If there is a lack of opportunities in a community then one is more prone to risk the soul in exchange for resources. Our mission is to respond to this matter by creating a career pathway for economically challenged communities. The Economic Equality Bridge is a program focused on introducing young adults to the A/V integration Industry and bridging the gap between economic equality and economic inequality. Audio Video integration is a multi billion dollar technology industry that has vast career opportunities. You may ask yourself what is the A/V industry. Please take a minute and watch the video below.
Plant the seed.
“Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. The harvest can either be flowers or weeds.” — William Wordsworth
Nourish it.
“Original thinking migrates each day in search of nourishment.” — Maya Angelou
Watch it grow.
“There is no other investment that has the kind of social multiplier effect that early education has. It is an incredible thing to nurture and watch grow and spread.” — Shakira
General Knowledge
You'll need the basic building blocks to create a solid foundation for an AV design, installation, or management. Explore the training that fits your goals.
What it is: Foundational training for AV careers or anyone who uses or buys AV systems and is curious about what kind of expertise it takes to create user experiences.
Who it's for: Everyone who wants a broad understanding of audiovisual technologies and what it takes to make them come to life.
Why should you? You need to avoid gaps in your knowledge base and create a solid foundation for yourself when starting in a new field. If you're curious about AV in general, this will satisfy your curiosity.
There's a difference between a good and bad installation. Check out this track to learn the right way to install an AV system.
What it is: In-depth training will cover how to build, install, configure, and test an AV installation.
Who it's for: Individuals with general installation knowledge; installers wishing to advance their expertise; anyone who is responsible for AV systems installations; anyone curious about how to build, install, configure, and test an AV installation.
Why should you? The difference between an amateur and a professional becomes very obvious when you're installing an AV system.
Terminating Cable
Pulling Cable
Mounting Equipment
Skillfull AV designers bring their art to the established science of creating an AV system. Their system designs bridge the user's needs and the technologies required to deliver an exceptional communication experience.
What it is: In-depth training covering both the theoretical and the practical elements of AV design.
Who it's for: AV designers who have a general knowledge of AV design; designers wishing to learn more advanced topics or established AV standards.
Why should you? A solid core of knowledge will give you and your clients confidence in your designs and will help build your reputation and expertise.
Take a Deep Dive Into Design Topics
After completing the general knowledge group, explore these options to continue your training in AV:
Short Lessons
Want to learn something in around an hour? Check out some of our short lessons:
Audio Troubleshooting
Technology Manager
Technology managers run the AV departments of businesses, schools, governments, and more. They need an array of knowledge in both technical and business topics.
What it is: In-depth technology management training geared to the AV manager.
Who it's for: Anyone responsible or working within the department responsible for managing the AV system's implementation, use, and maintenance.
Why should you? As an AV technology manager, you are responsible for the integrated planning, design, and operation of AV systems. Your role has become increasingly complex and constantly changing.
Project Manager
AV project management requires a broad understanding of both AV and project management principles. You'll need a solid basic AV knowledge as you approach the management topics that apply specifically to the AV project environment.
What it is: Project management specific to AV systems.
Who it's for: Project and program managers, directors, technology managers, sales staff, and anyone with an interest in how an AV project should be managed.
Why should you? You need to have a firm grasp of all of the moving parts and how they fit together to create a solid framework for getting the job done well, on time, and on budget.
After taking the general knowledge track, explore these options to continue your training in AV and apply it to your business: